The Hollywood Independent Filmmakers Awards and Festival is proud to announce the 2018 Best of Festival WINNER...
We had the privilege of interviewing Bobby regarding his film. Please see the interview below!
Hello Bobby,
Your film, THEY I AM, is absolutely stunning in every way and we were thrilled to not only screen your short film on the back lot at Paramount Pictures in Hollywood, but we were also very proud to announce that your film swept the festival this year and was not only presented awards for BEST DIRECTOR and BEST ACTRESS, but also awarded the BEST OF FESTIVAL 2018!
A few questions for you…
The story of THEY I AM was quite touching and you were able to reach core emotions in a very short amount of time. Would you tell us your inspiration for the story?
BOBBY: My inspiration was probably due to my curiosity in how this transformation affected a person and their family. My travels have afforded me the possibility of meeting people of many different cultures and religious backgrounds and I noticed this is a world wide issue which affects not only the person but also their family and friends to various degrees. I took it upon myself to explain this sensitive subject in an artistic way so that others become aware of what these people are confronted with and find a way to sympathize.
Would love to know where you shot the film? And how did you choose your locations?
BOBBY: The film was shot in an art gallery located in a downtown LA high rise. The location was chosen to support the main characters profession as an Art Consultant as well as supported the suicidal plot.
What was your casting process? Where did you find your actors?
BOBBY: Casting was an ongoing process which lasted nearly three months, it was important for me to find an actor who actually went through the transformation process knowing that they and only they could breathe life into the thoughts on the page.
The writing, directing and acting in the film is very sensitive, raw and real… How did the filming go? Were emotions running high with the actors and crew?
BOBBY: Emotions were very high on set for several reasons. I chose Jamie Love for the role though she had no prior acting experience because I wanted someone who had walked in these footsteps, lived this life, lived through the ups and downs. I actually hired an acting coach to help Jamie get close to the raw emotions of her past and at times we had to reel her back after the shout of "cut".
How many days did you shoot?
BOBBY: The actual shooting time was about a day and a half. Though from the first day of writing the script to the final day of shooting was three weeks. It was a very intense and stressful time which was justified by the outcome.
How did you start your career as a filmmaker?
BOBBY: I started out as an actor but in order to be successful in this art you need to be knowledgeable in all aspects of the business so as to not limit yourself.
What inspired you to become a filmmaker? How long have you been writing, directing and acting in films?
BOBBY: I started acting many years ago but writing, directing and producing became a passion in the past four years. I find it very rewarding to tell stories in this art form. When I write a script it becomes easier to direct because I see the story in my mind and then transfer the words to page.
What advice do you have for aspiring filmmakers?
BOBBY: Set realistic goals, have vision, do what inspires and motivates you, not only financially but internally, your passion and then recognition will come your way. As a bi-product you then stand to gain the financial rewards.
What are you working on now?
BOBBY: I currently have a few international events on my schedule including jurist for Ms Intercontinental taking place this January in Manila Philippines. I am also hosting Impose, the largest charity event in Europe and taking place in Bonn Germany in February. Shortly after I begin shooting my next feature, The Night, my first scifi/thriller in which I will produce and lead act next to some well known American and European talent.
What films can we see you in as an actor?
BOBBY: Amityville Terror, The Truth is in the Wine, The Last Exorcist, Euro Club, Spin, Euro Kings and the Mayfly cycle.
Is there a link in which our readers can view THEY I AM?
BOBBY: They I Am, The Mayfly Cycle are currently in several world wide film festivals therefor only the teaser is available for view at this time.
Screening @ Paramount Studios Backlot
10/06/2018 @ 7:15 pm

Filmmaker, Bobby Emprechtinger on the backlot at Paramount Studios in Hollywood, California for the Hollywood Independent Filmmaker Awards and Festival in 2018.

Director Bobby Emprechtinger with daughter, Priscilla Emprechtinger and son, Marlon Emprechtinger at the Hollywood Independent Filmmaker Awards and Festival at Paramount Studios, Hollywood.

Director Bobby Emprechtinger and THEY I AM actress, Jamie Love.